What a weekend!

My weekend began Friday with an ominous e-mail from COAMFTE with the heading of Action Letter. From both joyful and painful reactions opening that such an e-mail, I asked myself, “Do I really open it? Do I wait until I have some writing done?” Since July, when my colleagues and I submitted our response to the stipulations, I really thought we did what we should have. But you never know!!!!!

A part of my brain since July has been marked COAMFTE! COAMFTE! ALERT! DO NOT ENTER! AND me yelling at the top of my brain, “I need to write!!” AND since July, I struggled with my desire to do some phonebanking in the election. What should I do! I threw caution to the wind and worked the phonebanks.

Then, that letter!! I opened the e-mail, “Stipulations removed!” And the election was called!

What a weekend!